Brian Duvick, Ph.D.
Retired Department of HistoryAreas of Interest
Field: Ancient History
Research Interests: Greek and Roman History, Late Antiquity, Philosophy and Culture, Historiography, Greek and Latin Languages and stylistics, Ancient and Renaissance Cultural History, Early Medieval History
- B.A., University of Minnesota
- M.A., University of Minnesota
- Ph.D., University of Chicago
Duvick offers a wide variety of courses on Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome and the early Medieval period. His research interests focus on Later Roman, Early Medieval and Renaissance cultural history and historiography.
Professional Experience
Duvick has taught at the University of Notre Dame, Concordia College, l'Institut Universitaire de Saint-Melaine and l’Institut Thomas-Philippe. He has been at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs since 2001.
- Duvick has published Proclus on Plato, Cratylus in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle Series, gen. ed. Richard Sorabji, Duckworth Press (2007); Ciceronian Controversies in the I Tatti Renaissance Library, Harvard University Press (2007); and is currently preparing a 2-volume translation and analysis of the Trinitarian and Christological Works of Gregory of Nyssa as well as a 3-volume monograph on Proclus’ Commentary on the Republic.
- Duvick’s latest article is "False Alarms, Rebirth out of Corruption, or Cyclical Coming-to-Be and Passing-Away: Visions of the End in the Late Roman Empire," Cambridge Companion to the Apocalypse, ed. by Colin McAllister, Cambridge University Press, 2018. Sollicited Article, Volume under Consideration.
- Duvick serves on the editorial/review board of professional journals and encourages students and faculty to submit articles/reviews on politics, history, literature, arts, cultural and social studies, economy and security matters, and international affairs.
- Duvick regularly presents papers and sponsors UCCS student papers at professional conferences. He encourages those interested in presenting or publishing their work to contact him
Recent and Upcoming Talks
- "Give Us This Day our Daily Bread: the Politics of the Lord's Prayer in the Sermons of Gregory of Nyssa", 14th International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa: the Homilies on the Lord's Prayer, September 4-7, 2018, College des Bernardins, Paris.
- "Adrianople and the Apocalyptic Theology of Gregory of Nyssa", Through A Glass Darkly: Third Annual UCCS Symposium on Apocalyptic, UCCS, Spring, 2017.
- “Blood to the Shade: the Fabrication of Late Roman Identity through the Architecture of the Word in Procopius’ Peri Ktismaton”, Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Iowa City IA, April 17-20, 2013.
- “How to Construct a Republic in the Later Roman Empire: Cultural Politics in the Athenian Academy”, UCCS Annual History Alumni Conference, Heller Center, April, 2013.
- “The Apologetics of Pagan Education in the Later Roman Empire: Proclus’ Republic”, Southwestern Historical Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA, March 27 – 30, 2013.
- “Rallying Tradition against Barbarian Invasion: Contextualizing Macrobius’ Saturnalia”, Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Seattle University, Seattle WA, October 19-21, 2013
- “Obscene Morality: Poetics of the Status Quo in Martial”, Southwestern Historical Association Annual Meeting, San Diego CA, April 6, 2012.
- “Beyond the Language of Being and Non-Being: Scripture, Tradition and the Holy Spirit in the Apophatic Theology of Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium 3.5”, International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa, Leuven, Belgium, September 2010.
- “The Closing of the Goddess’ Gate : Crises of Pagan Education in the Later Roman Empire”, Lecture Series in World History, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, October 2009.
- “War, Politics and the Culture Debates of the Late 4th century: Contextualizing the Opera Minora of Gregory of Nyssa”, Keynote Address, International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa, Tuebingen, Germany, September 2008.