

Samantha Christiansen
Online 6/14-8/6/2021

Survey of South Asian society, culture, politics and economy, from the birth of Indian civilization to the present. Approved for LAS Humanities area and Global Awareness requirements. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity); Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures. GT-HI1

Yang Wei Online 7/11-8/6/2021
(session A course – 4 weeks)

A survey of Japanese society, culture, politics and economy, from the birth of Japanese civilization to the present. Approved for LAS Humanities area and Global Awareness requirements. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity); Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures. GT-HI1.

Robin Lynch MW
4:45-&:20 PM 6/14-8/6/2021

This course provides students an introductory examination of the role of war and peace in human history from the earliest forms of organized violence to the 21st century "War on Terror." Students explore how organized violence shaped not just the lives of soldiers, but all members of society by examining key pieces of popular culture including poetry, propaganda, music, movies, and even short YouTube videos. Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement.

Jared Benson
Online 6/14-8/6/2021

Survey of the development of the U.S. from the colonial period through the ratification of the Constitution, with emphasis on causes, events, and results of the American Revolution. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Explore-Arts, Humanities, and Cultures. GT-HI1.

Sarah Clay Online

Survey of America's social, political, economic and cultural history during the time the U.S. has been a world power. The roots of contemporary society, with emphasis on the emergence of a multicultural America. Approved for LAS Humanities Area requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Inclusiveness; Explore: Arts, Humanities and Culture. GT-HI1.

Melvyn Weissman
TuTh 1:40 – 4:20 PM 6/14-8/6/2021

We examine the origin and evolution of the Russian ethos. The three cultural pillars of Russia - Orthodoxy, Autocracy and Nationality - will be one area of emphasis. Students will also be introduced to Russian literature and music. Interesting primary sources will be provided by Dr. Mel Weissman.

Stefan Huddleston
MoTuWeTh 1:40PM - 4:20PM 6/14-7/11/2021

(session A course – 4 weeks) These courses are usually taught on a one-time basis. The subject matter will change from year to year and will cover an important but rarely taught subject in history. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Writing Intensive.

William Schruitsky
05/29/2021 - 08/07/2021 Sat 1:00 – 5:00 PM (Weekend University course – 10 weeks)

This ten week Weekend University class examines United States involvement in Vietnam and the resulting military, social, cultural, and political effects on Americans, effects still experienced today. From initial involvement during World War II, the backing of France and South Vietnam within a Cold War context, and culminating in America’s complete assumption of combat operations, notions of who Americans were and what the United States was were challenged, broken, and replaced. The war stripped away an in-bred innocence extending from the battlefield (were Americans really the “good guys” seeking to save a foreign people?) to America itself (who were the true civic and democratic minded patriots, those protesting or those in abeyance to the government?). Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Writing Intensive.

Christopher Bairn
TuTh 10:50AM - 1:30PM 6/14-8/6/2021 (meets remotely online)

Emergence, development and transformation of the Crusade movement from 1095 C.E. through the later Middle Ages. Special attention will be given to the first four Crusades, but students will also analyze primary and secondary sources on the expansion of crusading throughout the 13th century and the Eastern Crusades of the 14th-16th centuries. Approved for LAS Oral Communication and Global Awareness requirements. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity); Writing Intensive

Rochelle Richards-Burk
Mo-We 10:50AM - 1:30 PM 6/14-8/6/2021 (meets remotely online)

Course covers the history of U.S. Latino communities and Latin American immigrants to the U.S. from the 1820s to the present. Approved for LAS Cultural Diversity requirement. Meets with WEST 3520.

Alexander Archuleta
Online 6/14-8/6/2021

Exploration of major themes in the history of Latin America such as conquest, colonialism, cultural clashes, revolution, and nationalism through the use of films and texts. Approved for LAS Global Awareness requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity); Writing Intensive.

Carole Woodall
TuTh 10:50AM - 1:30 PM 6/14-8/6/2021 (meets remotely online)

Examines how the history of contacts produced and affected contemporary understanding of Islam and the West. Considers cultural, trade, and diplomatic contact in different historical periods, and the way that contact is negotiated through gender, race, class, and religion. Approved for Global Awareness Requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirements: Inclusiveness; Writing Intensive. Meets with WEST 3680.